Tuesday, December 20, 2011

night with cliques: a celebration

Hallu everyone. First of all.. thanks zura, for inviting all of us celebrating Isa Zahedi birthday celebration last night. It was awesome and all us were gather to celebrate hari tua Isa. muehehe. anda tua Isa.. tua. tapi tak setua emma lagik*gullp the party was planned by Zura (the captain aka his gf) , food was prepared well by Zura (again) and the gang, cake was chosen by Dinie. haha (awk awk..saye masukkan name awk ni...bangga tak?)

Food was delicious, perut pun happy, and everyone was covered by flour.. nicee~

the chosen cake after been discussed through whatsapp
*(eh knape ade underline ni?)

Isa is wishing for....... *ehem

berebut nak potong cake eyh? ;p

Isa menang.. Isa dapat potong cake dulu... haha

oh, ya.. zura pun celebrate birthday on the same month.
happy birthday jugak zura! :)

tak abes lagi ke potong cakenye.... sume lapa dah nih

us, camwhore before makan2

Ayed riang ria dapat makan, kan?

chop, siape adek siape kakak nih? :p

ok. tanak komen ape2....

rai, paan and wan also attending the party.. :)

resident of Villa Resak

backbone behind the boysss... hihi

eh, muke fazril inter-frame!! artis nih...otegraph please

ade org ckp zombie, ade mcm panglima tepung...tp sy rasa mcm opera cina kehabisan tepung :p

again.. dah macam hantu plak *goyang2


p/s: sorry for the bad quality photos. handphone murah, camera takde. apepun, still can capture the moment together! thanks for last night all~~

oh, happy birthday Isa Zahedi! tahun depan kite main baling telur pulak ok? ;p

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