hai hai... just nak share some of the photos which been uploaded by my brother (in facebook)
ngeh ngeh ngeh.
my brother with 3 babies in a row.. ok, still can see the face..
terus hilang muke.. haha (evil laugh!!) btw,
mekasih aunty timah and uncle, for letting us eat at ur home
can u spot me? thereee!! *pointing anywhere*..ahaah this photo is taken in a ferry to Langkawi
'lepak'ing with the siblings while the folks are....
dating outside....
my "bodyguard"... aweesomee!
jemput makan... ikan bakar paling sedap ever! (location; Padang Matsirat)
and this is the final day at Langkawi. see helang behind my bro (the one wear red shirts)
bubye Langkawi....... from all of us
.: xoxo :.
Hahaha bodyguard emma mengalahkan bodyguard justin bibir!! hehe
hahaa! i pay cheaper then bieber did! *opppss
dulu langkawi macam buruk, sekarang dah lawa rupanya.. lama tak pergi sana.. (tb2 berangan)''/
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