Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hectic is aftering me this whole month. phew!

Hey hey. howaw ya? agak lama blog sudah di anak tirikan. ya ya, year 2012 is so stressfull for me especially February. pejam celik pejam celik, the end of month is coming soon. (pssst, im getting married this 30th of february, do come to my big day okeng? muahahaha)

anyway, i've been so packed with lots of works. sangat2 menimbun. sumpah tak tipu sampai otak boleh jammed. talking bout work, i've been sending my resume to other places for a new place, better environment, better challanges, better salary for sure. (i kan nak kawin, money will be my first ranking) and till now, no news about it. sedih tapi takpelah, mungkin Allah nak bagi yang lebih baik buat kita kan, we never know. :)

oh, February is known as Month of Love, why? Valentine's day. hey, i dont celebrate it ok, i still have belief in God. and i dont need 1 day just to show my love. deal with it... everyday is a love day (unless ur on red, its war day for women. haha) Along this month, i've been doing so much things.. and includes my basic activity; wake up, working, eating, sleeping etc. i've been baking Chocloate Chip Cookies by myself last weekend. yay! seriously, i never thought i would fall in love in baking this much. :') done with baking, i made spagetthi bolognaise for the family. my parents felt a bit weird seeing her daughter been so rajin at the dapur along the weekend. haha Some facts about me you guys should know; when im stress, pressure, out of control.. i do 2 things to get rid of the pressure.

1. i'll clean the toilet the whole hour

2. i'll cook like there's no tomorrow

funny isn't it? well, thats me.

the ingredients of my successfull Chocolate Chip Cookies

the important equipment in baking. or kalau sanggup manual pakai tangan berjam2, silekan! :D

freshly baked form the oven


my next project is baking my own tiramisu. hope it end well and sedap!!

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