Thursday, October 20, 2011

geram yet bersyukur....

today is my 3rd day doing the same 3d and the same design. bosan. gile. menyampah. pasal sikit punye hal, nak suh tuka. kalo tukar and render in 3minutes i don't give a dam about it. tapi nih dah sampai sejam render baru nak siap 1 view... ape kehe nye yob??

ok, seriously... im so pissed off with my boss today.. sangat2! haih.. naseb bek la incik bf berjaya menenangkan hati dan jiwa saye... oh ya, before this things happened.. we were discussing about.... our school admire (i think) but who cares.. as for me, mmg jenis tak kesa nak share things like that ( i think my bf should be so thankful having a gf yang tak sewenang2nye cemburu buta bile die mengaku pernah ade crush pada seseorang yg len..) ala, macam la aku takde crush pd org len jugakkan.. so be fair.. dari situ.. kite tau diri die macam mana.. and diri kita pun di tahap mana...

and chatting with him today makes me relief yet.... happy sebab ...sebab.. sebab we were talking about wearing hijjabs. hehe.. yes, im wearing hijjabs now.. and i used to be.. a bit social when i was so young... used to wear short sleevs, skirts, dress and what so ever.. i belief i was so cute that day.. (xcaya? well, im not being so perasan.. but its true.. peeps don't believe im at the age of im standing at the moment... all because i know how to dressing myself in a cute way).. ok merapu dah.. hmm let's straight to what im gonna say.. i just love his words to me just now.. he loves me for who i am now.. not because of anything else.. even though i don't look outrageous (like before) with the hijjabs and pakaian labuh2 ... but i guess.. its worth when he said .." itu la yg specialnye.. awk tak tnjuk kat org " and " awk jgn risau.. saye akan jaga awk " oooh... im so meltiiinggg~ ahaha can u imagine... a guy..saying that.... how bless i am having him as my bf... and hoping he'll becoming my husband insyaAllah..

ok. itu saje untuk di share sama2 ^_^


Aniely said...

my incek chenta kata, perempuan semakin die tutup, semakin seksi lah die ..hehehe :)

Aniely said...

eh silap.. die kata makin tutup seksi sebab ader misteri misteri gituu

Emma Balqis said...

haha.. kan?:D